Links & Resources

As a community with a focus on quality, education, training and sharing, we want to provide resources that can connect you with healthcare partners and up to date information to assist you in your Quality Improvement journey.


Browse and download a collection of useful PDFs and documents below.

NH PQI Documents

Book Reviews



Patient Partner Perspective

Disclaimer: Under Construction

Who’s who in Northern Health QI?

  • Heather Walker
    Meet Heather, Rural NI Physician Quality Improvement Coach
  • Laura Parmar
    Meet Laura Parmar, Regional Physician Quality Improvement Coach
  • Levi Giles
    Meet Levi Giles, Physician Quality Improvement Coordinator
  • Dr. Shyr Chui
    Meet Dr. Shyr Chui, UHNBC Radiologist, Physician Quality Improvement Lead
  • Irindu Liyanage
    Meet Irindu Liyanage, Physician Quality Improvement Data Analyst
  • Lee Cameron
    Meet Lee Cameron, Northwest Physician Quality Improvement Coach

Leadership Scholarship


Introduction to Quality Improvement

This Introduction to Quality Improvement video will give you a very brief introduction to the world of QI. It walks you through the general steps in doing QI work and introduces you to the Model for Improvement, which is one methodology for doing QI. If you have any questions after watching the video please contact us.

Here to Guide Your Quality Improvement Journey

Access PQI Support From Other Health Authorities

NH PQI serves BC’s Northern Health region.

To access Physician Quality Improvement support from other BC Health Authorities, please refer to the contact information below.

Fraser Health PQI Manager
Ta Chinembiri

Interior Health PQI Manager
Jim Graham

Island Health PQI Manager
Jennie Aitken

Provincial Health Services PQI Manager
Bethina Abrahams

Vancouver Coastal/Providence Health PQI Manager
Selina Wong


Browse a collection of helpful links here.

Want to suggest an addition? Just contact us to let us know.

Specialist Services Committee (SSC)
Specialist Services Committee improves patient care by engaging physicians to collaborate, lead quality improvement and deliver quality services with SSC supports and incentives. SSC is one of four joint collaborative committees of Doctors of BC and the BC Government, and includes regular representation from health authorities.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
For more than 25 years, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has used improvement science to advance and sustain better outcomes in health and health care across the world.

Northern Health Library Services
Browse curated knowledge, including selected books (and eBooks), relevant journals, databases, guideline websites, and other content that may pertain to your subject area.

BCPSQC Workshops
BC Patient Safety and Quality Council presents regular workshops about quality improvement techniques. Join these presentations through the BCPSQC website, linked above.

Facility Engagement
Facility Engagement was launched by the Specialist Services Committee in 2016 as a BC-wide initiative to strengthen communication, relationships and collaboration between facility-based physicians and their health authorities.

Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Browse details about upcoming CME rounds and events.

American Journal of Medical Quality
Note: you must be on a NH network or VPN to access the AJMQ.

Physicians may subscribe to the full text table of contents alerts by email. Just open the link above, click the eTOC button, and enter an email address. You will receive monthly content with full text links in the body of the email.

Patient Voices Network
The Patient Voices Network (PVN) is a community of patients, families and caregivers working together with health care partners to improve BC’s health care system.